Mother, Teacher, Chef...

Life as I see it, and advice through the eyes and heart of all three "me's".

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"A Little Advice" for all the moms out there...

"Perfect Mom Syndrome", I think we all suffer from this from time to time.  This video is a real good reality check for all of us that are stressed and feeling guilty.  It makes you want to stop time and hug your kids a little tighter <3 xoxo.  True words...the dust and laundry will still be there in the morning, take time to breath and ENJOY your children, one day they will be off on their own remembering the moments that mattered.


  1. Good advice that should be followed by any and all parents!!

  2. SO TRUE!! They are little for such a short time. You can never get that time back; but nobody can take your wounderful memories away from you or them. Also remember, it's the little thing that children cherish the most. Baking cookies' throwing the baseball or building a snowman regularly is more important then the big Disney vacation.
    LOL, Mom
